• FORMAT: Hands-On + Online
  • DURATION: 4 Weeks (150 hours, 5 days/week) for Hands-On. Online= 100 hours (Self-Paced). 250 hours total.
  • COST: $6,000 + $250 Registration Fee

Part 1: This is part one of a hybrid course that covers important topics necessary for pursuing a career in grooming, including tools and tool maintenance, canine anatomy, health, safety, sanitation, breed history and styles, and foundational techniques for the groomer.

Part 2: Part two is fully hands-on and takes place at one of our state of the art campuses. Learn how to work as a pet hygienist and bathe dogs professionally from the industry’s top Certified Dog Grooming Instructors while working with dogs of a wide variety of breeds and temperaments. Upon completion of this course, students will move straight onto the Certified Dog Groomer Course.

This course is 4 week class and is fully hands-on.  Students will spend two days per week with their Instructor in Lecture for 60 hours, then shadowing a Certified Groomer in Lab three days per week for 90 hours. The online course is self-paced and can be completed either on-campus or at home.


  • FORMAT: Hands-On (750 hours total)
  • PRE-REQUISITE: Introduction to Dog Grooming
  • DURATION: Lecture: 2 days/week for 8 weeks (120 hours) + Lab: 1-3 days/week (180 hours). Lab hours are scheduled based on student’s availability.
  • CO-REQUISITE: Internship (150 hours), Externship (300 hours)
  • COST: $6,000

This course is offered at any of our state of the art facilities throughout Los Angeles. Learn how to trim and style a variety of dog breeds professionally from the industry’s top groomers while working with dogs of a wide variety of breeds and temperaments. Learn how to interpret customer requests and execute the most common breed cuts, trim faces, and turn out quality pet grooms. 

This course is 8 week class and is fully hands-on.  Students will spend two days per week with their Instructor in Lecture for 120 hours, then shadowing a Certified Groomer in Lab three days per week for 180 hours. Once the coursework is completed, the Student will be required to complete 150 Internship hours at a WCGA-approved training facility, then an additional 300 Externship hours at any grooming salon of the student’s choosing.

Both the Introduction to Dog Grooming Course and Certified Dog Groomer Course are required to receive certification.


Already Have Experience as a Groomer or Bather? Groomers/Bathers with 6+ months of experience may be eligible to turn work experience into transfer credits!

Cost for Entire Dog Groomer Certification Program: $12,250

(includes Introduction to Dog Grooming + Dog Groomer Certification Course)

Discounts & financing options may be available! For more information, Schedule a Consultation with our Admissions Team!


  • FORMAT: Hands-On + Online
  • DURATION: 12 Sessions (1-2 Days/Week, by Appointment) for Hands-On. Online= 50-80 hours (Self-Paced)
  • PRE-REQUISITES: (1) Introduction to Dog Grooming Hybrid Course and (2) Certified Dog Groomer Course

This class is designed for Students who have completed our Certified Grooming Course previously and would like a refresher, would like to get more knowledge on certain breeds, who want to improve their time management and grooming schools, or who wish to learn more advanced grooming techniques. Topics learned include advanced grooming techniques, such as Hand Stripping, Carding, Barber Rolling, Fast Drying Techniques, Pain-Free De-Matting, Canine Behavior Modification and more.

Discounts & financing options may be available! For more information, Schedule a Consultation with our Admissions Team!


  • FORMAT: Hands-On + Online
  • DURATION: 3-6 Months (1-2 Days/Week, by Appointment) for Hands-On. Online= 80-1000 hours (Self-Paced)
  • PRE-REQUISITES: (1) Introduction to Dog Grooming Hybrid Course and (2) Certified Dog Groomer Course (both included!)
  • CO-REQUISITES: Pet First Aid + CPR Workshop (included!)
  • COST: $10,000 + $20 State Tuition Recovery Fund fee. + $250 Registration Fee (waived if taken less than 1 year after Dog Groomer Certification Course)

This class is designed for experienced groomers  who would like to become Certified Dog Grooming Instructors and teach WCGA Dog Groomer Certification courses in their own WCGA-licensed salons. Includes the following:

  1. Introduction to Dog Grooming: Hybrid Course online course, testing and certification.
  2. Dog Groomer Certification Course testing & certification.
  3. Pet First Aid + CPR
  4. Salon Certification: permits your salon to accept WCGA interns as long as salon continues to meet our safety, sanitation & educational criteria.
  5. 3-6 months of hands-on instruction and experience teaching live classes of grooming students.
  6. Lifetime coaching & support
  7. Advertising on WCGA website & promotional material.

Lessons will focus on things like: WCGA’s history and enrollment process, marketing classes, curriculum, course outlines, floating lectures, appointment booking, customer satisfaction, student grooming standards, graduation expectations, teaching adult learners, troubleshooting common student challenges, class accommodations for the disabled, graduation requirements, and more!

This course is by application-only and we are only accepting 1-2 applicants per county, per state. To be considered for admittance, please submit an application by clicking the link below. Once received, you will be contacted for an interview.

Currently seeking applicants in 2023 for: Orange County, San Diego County, Central California, and Northern California.